Seniors League Baseball

The Spring-Klein Seniors Baseball program accommodates players ranging from 15 to 18 who are interested in advancing their baseball skills and those who have the goal of playing for their high school team.

Seniors is a highly competitive program with a team formation process that consists of player tryout and draft. There are restrictions for active players on their respective high school squads that prevent them from participating in the SKSA spring sessions. The Official High School Baseball Rules of the National Federation of State High School Associations are in effect for governing play. Supplemental rules from SKSA in effect can be found in the "Yellow Book".


SKSA Seniors Baseball League Schedule

PLEASE NOTE: Team listed first is Visitor, Home team is listed second

Rain outs will be scheduled as availability allows. Always check your schedules in the event of a rainout.

Seniors Baseball Updates

No updates at this time...

Youth Baseball News

As you may be aware, there is a greater emphasis today in youth sports on preventing, recognizing, and obtaining immediate treatment of concussions and head injuries. Please read and follow the policy for SKSA Youth Baseball participants.

Volunteers Needed

Have you ever considered getting involved as a volunteer in the SKSA Baseball Program? SKSA Youth Baseball currently has a variety of very important board level volunteer positions that need to be filled urgently.



SKSA Yellow Book

SKSA Blue Book

SKSA Park Rules

Official Baseball Rules (OBR)

The Yellow Book outlines specific supplemental rules in play for youth baseball at SKSA. All other rules are set forth in the Nations Baseball Rules, OBR or NFHS as applicable ot the age group.

Bat Rule:

The Nations Baseball Rules for allowed bats will be enforced at all SKSA events. The following also apply:

  1. Seniors: For 15U and higher (Senior Division), only BBCOR bats are legal.
  2. Wooden bats are legal in all age groups

For non-wood bats the following logo must be stamped on the bat:

BBCOR Logo: For age groups that require bats with the BBCOR stamp the following log must be on the bat. It is not a sticker but a painted stamp on the bat.


Seniors Contacts

Seniors Coordinator:

Michelle Husband

Baseball Contacts

Email Contacts:
General Information -
SKSA Maintenance -
SKSA Umpires -
Metro League Contacts - Coordinators List

Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 12022
Spring, TX 77391-2022

Quick Links

Baseball Schedules

Documents & Forms

Team Parent Central

Online Registration

SKB Facebook Feed